Technical Guidance

As we approach 2025, the longer-term sustainability of the HIV response is a pressing concern: work to achieve and sustain an impactful HIV response must intensify. As countries work to reach the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, UNAIDS has released the 
“HIV Response Sustainability Primer” which proposes a new approach to ensure the sustainability of the HIV response.

This holistic approach includes programmatic, political, policy-related and financial aspects of the HIV response. The new Primer provides the rationale, the definitions, and an in-depth explanation of this new sustainability approach. Additionally, UNAIDS has released a new Companion Guide which includes country-specific analytical resource packages and a sustainability assessment tool. These resources will serve as tools 
to help countries and partners develop roadmaps and navigate the path towards sustainability.

The HIV response sustainability primer

2024 PDF

As countries work to reach the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, planning is urgently needed for sustaining HIV response gains beyond 2030. This Primer document outlines a new approach to planning and implementing sustainable national HIV responses, that aims to galvanize efforts and to drive sustainable HIV response transformations to reach and ensure contracting epidemics beyond 2030, by upholding the right to health for all.

2024 PDF

The HIV response sustainability primer - FR

2024 PDF

Alors que les pays s’efforcent d’atteindre l’objectif de mettre fin au sida en tant que menace pour la santé publique d’ici 2030, il est urgent de pérenniser les acquis de la lutte contre le VIH au-delà de 2030. Le présent Document décrit une nouvelle approche pour planifier et mettre en œuvre des ripostes nationales durables au VIH, qui vise à galvaniser les efforts et à conduire des transformations de la riposte durable au VIH afin d’atteindre et de garantir la réduction des épidémies au-delà de 2030, en défendant le droit à la santé pour tous.

2024 PDF

The HIV Response Sustainability Roadmap Part A Companion Guide

2024 PDF

The Companion Guide can support countries in developing and implementing Sustainability Roadmaps that are based on this new sustainability approach, which countries are recommended to adopt. It outlines a flexible and adaptable methodology which allows each country to tailor the Sustainability Framework and the Roadmap components to its situation and its existing efforts and processes.

2024 PDF

The HIV Response Sustainability Roadmap Part A Companion Guide - ES

2024 PDF

La Guía de acompañamiento puede ayudar a los países a elaborar y aplicar hojas de ruta basadas en este nuevo enfoque de la sostenibilidad, cuya adopción se recomienda a los países. Esboza una metodología flexible y adaptable que permite a cada país adecuar el Marco de Sostenibilidad y los componentes de la Hoja de Ruta a su realidad y a sus esfuerzos y procesos existentes.

2024 PDF

The HIV Response Sustainability Roadmap Part A Companion Guide - FR

2024 PDF

Le présent guide complète le document sur la durabilité de la riposte au VIH, qui décrit une nouvelle approche de la durabilité et fournit des recommandations pour l’élaboration de feuilles de route pour la durabilité de la riposte au VIH.

2024 PDF

User guide for completing the HIV Response Sustainability Assessment

2024 PDF

This document is a user guide to support the completion of the Sustainability Assessment, which informs the country-led Sustainability Roadmaps.

2024 PDF


The HIV response sustainability Assessment Tool

2024 EXCEL
2024 EXCEL


2024 EXCEL
2024 EXCEL


Sustainability Toolkit - EN

Sustainability Toolkit - ES

Sustainability Toolkit - FR